Tuesday 10 April 2012

Erectile problem in men a common problem in males

Males suffer from some sexual problem and that is called the erectile dysfunction problem in which males are not able to get an erection and even if they get an erection they are not able to sustain that erection for a longer period of time. This is a very common problem which is faced by males. Many people have this myth that this erection problem is just faced by men at the old age but no that is not true many males face this problem when they are young.

This is very common as the stress in life has increased and this could be a result of stress and pressures also. These problems should not be ignored and it should be treated on time before it gets too late and makes it an even bigger problem. This problem creates problem in a person’s sex life as due to the week erection they would not be able to get a proper erection only. Person facing this problem then he should go to their partners and talk to them about it and they should consult to a doctor also and get a proper treatment done.
Find more information about erectile problem in young men click here.

Monday 9 April 2012

Common Sexual Problems in Men

Male sexual problems can be common for men of any age. These problems can feel embarrassing to discuss and therefore are not sometimes fully understood. Sexual dysfunction among men typically manifests as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and a decreased libido. Education is important in understanding male sexual problems, to better understand if treatment is required and what steps should be taken.

Male sexual health problems can be the result of physical or psychological dysfunctions.
Physical :-
  • Erectile Dysfunction:- Affecting one in every 10 males in the United States, erectile dysfunction is a very common condition, making it difficult to maintain an erection.  Inability to achieve an erection less than 20% of the time for otherwise healthy men is not uncommon and treatment is not always necessary.
  • Diabetes:- It is estimated that 35%-75% of men with diabetes experience some form of sexual dysfunction. Diabetes can damage blood vessels and nerve endings, impairing sexual performance and limiting sexual pleasure.
  • Premature Ejaculation:- While estimates vary, as many as one in every three men experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives. Premature ejaculation is most commonly caused by an imbalance in the neurotransmitter in key areas of the brain.
Psychological :-
  • Stress:- Stress is connected closely with male sexual problems.  Concerns from work, school and relationships can impair hormone levels and reduce libido and sexual performance.
  • Depression:- Millions of Americans suffer from depression. In addition to lowering energy and quality of life, depression causes a decline in testosterone, a critical part of male sexual health.
  •  Anxiety:- Some form of sexual dysfunction is especially common in individuals with anxiety disorders. General anxiousness can trigger erectile dysfunction, impotence and premature ejaculation while medically diagnosable anxiety disorders can dramatically impair sexual performance.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Male Sexual Problem

There are a few problems which are faced by males. This could happen to any person at any age. Males have the problem that is the erectile dysfunction problem that could happen to any male at any age this is seen in younger men as well as older men as well. This is a common problem and it is called as the erectile dysfunction problem in which the male is not able to get the erection or they are not able to hold the erection for a longer period of time. This is the problem which is faced by males and that creates the problem in their sexual life and it could also lead to impotence.

People should not ignore such problem and they should not even keep up with this problem this Male sexual problems are very general and this could happen to anyone and thus person should consult to doctor before it is too deep and worst than ever. Male sexual problem can bring problems in the sexual life of a person and thus you should be careful and get the treatment done without feeling shy this is normal and you should also talk to your partner regarding this problem.

Erectile Problem In Young Men

Erectile dysfunction in young men, especially, is a disorder commonly seen Erectile problem in young men today and is referred to as ‘ED’. Most men dread the condition, infrequently talk about it and seldom consult a doctor. Erectile dysfunction is also referred to as male impotency. It is a condition where the man is not able to attain an erection to have an intercourse or is unable to sustain an erection till the time he finishes coition. In the relaxed condition the penis is a soft flaccid organ and contains sponge like bodies within it.

When a man is aroused blood rushes into the penis and it becomes taut and erect which enables successful penetration into the vagina. When a person is facing such problem he should not avoid and ignore it as this is not the thing which is to be kept unseen it is very important for that person to talk to their respective partners and also consult the doctor as this could increase the stress in life and also add more pressure and creates problem in your sexual life as well thus it is very important that it is treated on the right time.

Erectile Dysfunction In Young Men

Erectile Dysfunction is the most common male sexual health problem and unfortunately more than 1 in 10 men will suffer with an erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives and especially as they grow older.
It’s not a condition exclusive to older men, many young men experience erectile problems due to pressure, anxiety and stress. Impotence in general can usually be defined as the sustained inability to achieve or maintain an erection for the completion of satisfactory sexual intercourse, and for the purposes of this information we are assuming that your Impotence problem is recurring and not just a one off experience. This could mean that when you’re aroused, you are consistently unable to get an erection, or it could mean that you can’t maintain your erection before or after penetration.
Getting an erection is a complicated process, which is why it’s so easy to disrupt and for impotence to occur. In your penis there are two chambers called the corpus cavernosa. When you’re aroused, more blood rushes to your penis. The walls of these chambers then expand, allowing this blood to flow in. As the chambers fill, your penis becomes erect. In older men especially we experience deterioration and reduced blood flow as part of the overall aging process and an impotence treatment may be required.
Impotence or recurring erectile dysfunction in younger men is usually caused by physical or psychological issues and ensuring a correct diagnosis will be vital in recommending an effective treatment. Psychological reasons tend to be less prolonged, while physical problems tend to be the root of more serious health concerns. But thanks to impotence pills and other modern treatments, the problem is easily manageable.
An easy guideline to determine if the problem is physical is to check whether you are still getting an erection in the morning. If you are, then the problem is less likely to be physical one. Additionally the same can be said if you can get an erection while masturbating.
Common physical causes of male sexual dysfunction can include: Diabetes, Smoking, Alcoholism, Being overweight, Medications, Deterioration of the arteries, Cerebral or spinal cord injuries, Abdominal or prostate surgery. Common psychological causes could include: Guilt, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Exhaustion, Conflict with your partner, Unresolved sexual orientation, Sexual boredom. For more information about impotence in men please go to our causes and treatments for male impotence page.
Treatment for Impotence in Erectile problems in young men is relatively straightforward so there is no need to delay or stay silent, discuss the problem with your partner and a doctor. If you feel self-conscious about seeing your own doctor, or you need specialist, professional help and advice, please do use our online service which is especially suited to resolve your male sexual dysfunction online and anonymously.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Retrograde Ejaculation Treatments, Help And Advice

Retrograde Ejaculation or ejaculating backwards or Dry Ejaculation may be defined as the persistent inability to ejaculate forwards through the penis as is normal and to instead ejaculate backwards and into the urinary bladder.

Normally, just at the point of ejaculating, the muscular valve at the base on the bladder automatically snaps closed preventing the semen from moving backwards into the bladder and propelling it forwards instead. When there is retrograde ejaculation this mechanism fails to function properly allowing the ejaculate to take the line of least resistance and move backwards into the bladder.
Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation: Anything that interferes with the closing of the valve at the bladder neck at the point of ejaculation will cause Retrograde Ejaculation. In the main there may be surgical or medical factors at play in this situation. Surgery to the prostate gland and its nerve supply such as TURP, prostatectomy or bladder surgery, may cause retrograde ejaculation.

Medical conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury can interfere with the nerve supply to the bladder neck and cause Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Climax.

Certain medications used to treat high blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause this condition as indeed can certain anti-depressants like those in the MAOI and SSRI group of antidepressants.

Retrograde Ejaculation does not of itself cause too much of a problem. Ejaculation can usually be felt as pleasurable and the semen can later be flushed from the bladder during normal urination with ease. Where retrograde ejaculation can cause considerably difficulty is in the area of fertility and reproduction. Today however, by using trans-rectal electro-stimulation of the prostate grand, healthy sperm can be retrieved for later use in AI and ICSI procedures.

Retrograde ejaculation treatment is relatively straightforward so there is no need to delay or stay silent, discuss the problem with your partner and a doctor. If you feel self-conscious about seeing your own doctor, or you need specialist, professional help and advice, please do use our online service which is especially suited to resolve your male sexual dysfunction online and anonymously.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Erectile Problem In Young Men

Erectile problem is a problem which is generally a male problem where the male faces the problem in getting an erection or sustaining an erection. This creates problem in a person sexual life and makes it more stressful. Erectile problem is seen in any age men erectile problem in young men is also seen and this could happen to anyone who is suffering from some pressure or any kind of stress or any kind of anxiety. The erectile problem which is faced by men is called the erectile dysfunction problem which is generally called as ED.
Male sexual problem can be treated easily and should be treated and the person who is suffering from this problem should consult to some doctor without any embarrassment and he should also talk to his partner regarding the problem that he is facing. This will create problem in the sexual life of a person and increase stress in their life and thus it is very important to get this cured and that is why a person should consult a doctor before it gets worst and if you are not willing to go to a doctor then you can consult to our online support.